Global Assets Management (Hong Kong) Limited ("GAM-HK") is a financial service corporation focusing on assets management and financial advisories. The corporation is registered in Hong Kong. It accepts assets and invests worldwide. Its businesses cover assets management of all kinds, providing consultancy services on M&A, investment, financing and project management, promoting economic development and industrial transformation and upgrading at various levels. It offers flexible return and profit sharing scheme.


ECO-GEN Energy, Inc. Joint-Venture with GDIH/A-Net


Langenburg Joint-Venture with GDIH

For the Langenburg Presentation, please click here


This technical brief is meant to serve all those concerned with the understanding of Langenburg Technologies alternative energy solution to green energy production using water from any source as fuel. Langenburg Technologies is the first system to market that has proven capabilities to deliver electricity in either a point of use or grid ready power package 24 hours per day using water as fuel.


Langenburg Technologies’ hydrogen turbine generator or LANGENBURG TECHNOLOGIES WATER/POWER UNIT has been developed over 4 decades. Each year improvements have been made to ultimately arrive at the technology we use today. Historically the system was developed by the Inventor to meet the fresh water needs of the world. The system was designed to be a self-sustained, self- powered system that could be remotely operated, controlled and monitored with little or no annual maintenance required. The combination of 37 years of Research and Development in Bio-Chemistry, Molecular Physics and Medical Sciences delivers a system that is capable of removing any contaminant from any water source in massive volumes, replenishing the bloodstream of Mother Earth. The self powered component is what sets this system apart from any other similar or claimed be similar system in the world.


The original function of this machine was cleaning water or converting spent contaminated water into potable water at a rapid pace. The focus of this synopsis is on the fuel extraction, energy production and the combination of the two that allows the Langenburg Water/Power Unit to function remotely on a consistent basis for continuous energy production anywhere in the world.


The LANGENBURG TECHNOLOGIES WATER/POWER UNIT system consumes the syngas produced in a closed loop internal combustion engine or Turbine purchased from companies like GE, Caterpillar or Fuji and applied off the shelf with cooling and combustion modifications.

Cooling modifications are made to accommodate the temperature at which hydrogen is consumed. Combustion modifications are made to the factory supplied fuel nozzles to meet the requirements of the BTU content of the Syngas. Every engine’s fuel consumption rate is adjusted based on the fuel and rate of supply needed to deliver the horsepower necessary for the engine to handle its design load.

During combustion the exhaust is recaptured and fed back into the feed stock or first stage of water treatment because it is simply a water vapor, thus forming a complete closed loop system.

World Business Review Report with General Alexander Haig

Langenburg Water

Joint-Venture GDIH/GlobalMed for global licensing in 220 markets

GlobalMed Technologies has developed an effective treatment modality for HIV/AIDS and other blood- borne diseases, utilizing ultraviolet irradiation, which is safe, efficient, and has minimal side effects. In Government Approved Clinical Trials performed in 2004 in the Dominican Republic, viral load counts in 36 subjects were reduced by 84-99% within 90 days. CD4 cell counts remained stable and life expectancy increased tenfold.

The current U.S. costs to treat an HIV/AIDS patient, with retroviral medication, ranges from $12,000 to $48,000 per year. Add to this the costs of opportunistic infection medications, hospitalization, diagnostic testing, laboratory tests, infusion therapy, home care therapy, plus all the administration costs and the yearly total for a chronic carrier is approximately $200,000 per year.

Besides the efficiency of the GMT Process there is an added benefit, we can Decrease Costs Across the Board by 75% in the first year, 80% in the second year and 90% in the third year. We can save insurance companies billions in costs per year and offer a viable solution to the HIV/AIDS Pandemic.

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Information Technology Division

Coming Soon in 220 global markets.


The world's most efficient and easy-to-use System Management for all SAP Solutions

In joint-venture with GDIH, IB-Update are in the final closing of purchase of Syslink Systems to develop on a global basis through GDIH's future listing on the Hong Kong and China exchange and stock-swap with IB-Update for global rights to support the platform in 220 countries with GDIH's present discussions with FranklinTech to license in 220 countries and assist in the public offering.

GDIH has signed a joint-venture with US-based military service company Daytona Aerospace, which is a US defense contractor which was awarded the Bronze medal for logistics support by the Defense systems Center in Richmond (DSCR), to license the software across the areas of armed forces supported by Daytona Aerospace's clients throughout the world which consist of the US Air Force, US Army, US Navy, USMC, USCG, and the FAA Repair Facilities. This technology is entrusted through major companies and supported by IBM, Daimler, Seamen's Business Services, Seamen's Building Technolgy, T-Systems, 3M Deutschland, Stadt Zürich, to name a few. This product is poised to enable to interface with the following compatible platforms : Solaris, Windows, HP-UX 11, AIX L, Tru64 Unix, Oracle, IBM DB2, SAP MAxDB, MS SQL Server and is certified by SAP.

Benefits of using the syslink technology include efficient and cost-effective operation and management for all SAP applications, 100% system availability and assured operating quality due to highly automated operation, no significant implementation and operational costs, out-of-the-box usability for 98% of users, and an expected return on investment in as little as 6-8 months.


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